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Cesme is located on the Aegean coast, 80 km from Izmir, in the western part of Turkey.

Cesme is directly related to the history of Russia. It was near the peninsula Cesme (as is usually written in Russian transcription) held Chesme famous battle during the Russian-Turkish war 1768-1770. The mention of this event is not in any Turkish guide, which is understandable. Russian sailors under the command of Count Orlov burned down Ottoman fleet, who had taken refuge in the bay of Cesme. As a result, the Black Sea finally came under the control of Russia.

The history of the Aegean shores full of drama. Among the Russian navy sailors existed a legend about the origin of the three strips bordering the turn-down collar shirt uniform. It was believed that the three stripes - the memory of the three victories of the Russian fleet in the naval battles: Gangut, Sinop and Cesme.

The very name of the town of Cesme in translation means "the source". This name he received because of the abundance of thermal springs, many of which are now healthy water supply, local hotels. In addition, it is believed that water is the purest of Cesme on the Aegean coast.

Cesme is one of the most beautiful Aegean coast. It is located along the scenic bay semicircle surrounded aniseed, sesame and artichokes fields of fig trees.

The town is decorated with its magnificent Genoese fortress of the XIV century and a caravanserai built under Suleiman I the legislator. At the time, the Genoese fortress served as a residence for the Companions Hayreddina Barbarossa, famous pirate and later admiral of the Turkish fleet. It is interesting that in the fortress is a fish restaurant with spectacular views of Cesme.

Today, Cesme - stylish modern resort, which offers guests a comfortable hotels, excellent restaurants and discotheques, games parlors, sports grounds, bars and cafes. In stores a wide range of souvenirs, leather goods, carpets. Here you will find the amazing sandy beaches with the cleanest water on the coast. In summer it hosts the International Song Festival with the participation of foreign performers.

Especially famous north coast of the cape, windswept, where there are ideal conditions for sailing and windsurfing. You can rent a boat and go for a ride along the beautiful coast. Most hotels are windsurfing schools, staffed by experienced instructors.

Resting in Cesme, you can catch a ferry to the Greek islands of Chios, Samos and Kos, as well as make excursions to Izmir, Ephesus and Pergamum.

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