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Commercial Real Estate. Time of life
Investing in commercial real estate, each investor is interested not only in a minimum period of return on investment, but also in getting a steady income as long as possible. The most important factor influencing the efficiency of investments - the life of the commercial real estate. From the life cycle of real estate it depends on how long the object will work and generate income. Categories lifetime of the object: 1. economic life - it's years of operation, during which the real estate will be profitable. The economic life of finishes on the day when produced on-site conversion does not affect the cost of the object. This may be due to the influence of external factors: the new provisions in the field of taxation, changes in the market in this field, the decline of the district in which the facility is located commercial real estate, etc.2. Physical period. The duration of physical life depends on the quality and durability of building structures, the appropriate use of building technology during the construction of the object, integrity contractors. The percentage of wear of the object has a value in the evaluation of real estate. Most of the physical factors of deterioration can be eliminated (repair, reconstruction). 3. Moral time. With the development of the construction industry, the building began to be erected in the modern architectural style, new materials and new technologies. Their increased durability significantly increases the life cycle of the object. Some existing buildings, even though still a good physical condition, lose their aesthetic appeal, it has become outdated. Inconsistency is manifested in the modern criteria inconvenient layout, underutilized buildings, outdated engineering support.Therefore, when planning investment, the investor must take into account not only the modern aesthetic and technical requirements for the structure, but also to assess the competitiveness of the property in the years ahead.
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