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The plot in a natural area

Planning permission granted hotel complex and individual villas
Object ID: 353
  • Price from: 15 000 000 €
  • Deal type: Sale
  • City:Bodrum
  • Property type:Ground
  • Square: 120 000 m2
  • Distance to the sea:0 m
  • Distance to the beach: 0 m
  • Distance to center:0 m
  • Distance to shop:0 m

Participation in the project for the construction of the hotel complex, and individual villas "Lux" with their subsequent sale or lease.

LOCATION: A popular tourist area of ​​Turkey, on the Aegean Sea in a garden with mandarin and olive trees, the site is surrounded by a pine forest.

The distance from the international airport - 40 km.

The plot has an open view of the sea. The coastline area - 1 km.

Total area - 120 000m2.

The permit for the construction of 90% (the maximum number of storeys - 5 floors of the hotel and 3 floors - residential buildings, villas), net of roads, indentation of shoreline, which is obligatory to preserve the green area - park of 63 000m2 - is a common area to building.

According to the existing construction permits at the site possible construction of the following objects:

  • The hotel complex with a total area - 20 000m2, including:

- The area occupied by the hotel rooms - 16 500m2.

- The area occupied by the restaurant and kitchen - 2 500m2.

- The area occupied by technical rooms - 500m2.

- Area for the internal infrastructure of the complex - 500m2.

- Other buildings may be constructed of wooden structures, which are not included in the total area allocated for construction.

  • 215 villas with a total area of ​​- and 250m2 of living space - 200m2.

The cost of this area is - 15 000 000 euro.

Construction costs at the rate of 800 euro \ m2 (including the costs of landscaping and road construction) will amount to about 50.4 million euros.

Thus the total cost of the project = 65.4 million euros.

Implementation period - 18 months.

Our company has a contractual relationship with the major companies in Europe and America, specializing in rental property, redeem certain periods detached villas for rent. For example, the cost of renting these villas can make - from 800 EUR to 4 000 EUR \ week depending on the season and other contractual conditions.

Profit from the operation of the hotel (the sale of hotel rooms per night):

5 star hotels in Turkey are selling the standard rooms per day (12.00) at a cost of 100 euros; Suites - 150 euros; Family suites - from 200 euros; Presidential Suite - from 300 euros. Sale room tour operators - from 20 euros \ day.


Estimated revenue from the rental of villas for rent will amount to 20 64 000 Euros per season.

Estimated revenue from the rental of rooms range from 1.5 million euros per season.

When selling a square meter of housing in the area, according to the assessment of real estate in the region is from 1 500 to 2 500 euros. Thus, the selling price of each villa can make - from 375 000 euros.

All areas are given to the building according to preliminary calculations, and can be modified according to customer requirements.


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