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"How Istanbul has become a key player on the world stage" - the report JLL.

Istanbul is one of four major European cities, along with London, Paris and Moscow under international report JLL.

Global consulting company JLL, which specializes in providing financial and professional services in the field of commercial real estate, has published a report titled "İstanbul on the world stage» (Istanbul on the World Stage).

"Istanbul - a global point of commerce, history and culture", - the document says.

Next JLL provides some data "How Istanbul has become a key player on the world stage."

A global hub of commerce, history and culture ...

How is Istanbul becoming a key player on the world stage?

Istanbul proved himself the best among the "cities of the developing world over the past five years for a variety of performance indicators", its economic situation is more stable than most large cities in other countries.

  • "The unique cultural identity and the extraordinary dynamism allowed to Istanbul to take place in five of the most popular tourist cities in the world. Today Istanbul - the fastest growing passenger traffic center ", - the report says. This is facilitated by new infrastructure projects, in particular, the construction of a third airport in Istanbul, which will be the largest airports in the world.

  • "The city is close to the mark of more than 5 million square meters of modern retail space, including a number of world-class shopping centers;

  • 7 million square meters of offices, located, including in new business areas, such as the international financial center;

  • Approximately 9.5 million square meters of logistics centers;

  • More than 56,000 hotel rooms in more than 500 classified hotels. "

Istanbul one of the twenty most important business centers in the world. To him showing more confidence in investors, financiers and economists. The city is open to innovation and trade, and also carries out continuous improvement of its infrastructure.


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