This article is a continuation of Turkey's blog "with my own eyes," the writer visited a completely different places in Turkey, driving her almost the whole of the south-east with the west. So, as always begins with ... Antalya Antalya as the Antarctic Apparently, arriving in Turkey, our tourists are initially feel relaxed, so to speak, for all the tough year - because it is extremely difficult not to notice a striking resemblance to the suburbs of Antalya srednerosiyskimi roads. And the people of the darkened windows of tall buses have seen abroad, adjusted on a number of stars in the hotel, which they are entitled. As we go not in the bus, and the lower, and the glass is not blacked out - looking at us from everywhere Antalya without retouching. Roads in asfaltoukladki stage, countless buildings - that surrounds all the way from the airport.And we must pay tribute: to the suburbs is a very high level of purity. While the city is growing here - this is definitely a surprise - much faster than in Moscow. Houses just smaller - they resemble our vosmietazhki, only much smaller and polygonal. It seems to have an apartment in Antalya now want is not among the Turks, and it's weird at first ... And even more weird here are the ones most hotels where luxury bus ride from the airport - including, in the most remote from Sea areas are very compact hotel, occupying the place of our standards of garden plots. True, this is not the distance from Moscow - the city stretches along the coast from the sea everywhere, like, close. Yes, there is its scale, its enough rectangular principles of composition, but because they are city-wide, universal, so to speak, and it is Europe, it is easy to guess how young these areas ...At intersections - has monuments in Turkey, they are similar with each other color, style, modest but pathos. Monuments generals and civil, as far as I could see in motion, painted. Here carefully treat their monuments. Vast areas of new buildings are striking - they end only in the mountains. And immediately the question arises: Is population growth in Turkey so, unlike in Russia, rapid, and it is only the architectural map of this growth? It turns out there: to have an apartment in Antalya, in these buildings, no one wants the Turks. Antalya has long since become an international resort - it is easy to understand after listening to voices in the supermarket. But we were on the territory of a small apartment complex. Clearly, this is not the "Golden Keys", then, as I said above, all other scales. However, in the midst of the buildings have a pool - comme il faut.Such is the climate: as long as you will reach to the sea, fried and suffocate. And here - dive on health. There, they say, and saunas, but where I'm not a walker. Flats here are different, but in the majority - two-bedroom. The most important thing here is not the width of the spaces and walls, and the minimum comfort indoors, mandatory balcony - and, of course, access to the pool. When I listened to the voices of children frolicking in the pool, it is easy to recognize the Russian language. I do not think that the children of the oligarchs - the apartment is worth no more than an apartment in South Butovo. However, in Moscow you will find extremely pools in complex, and certainly not in South Butovo. In a sense, Antalya for us - as the Antarctic to the Arctic, a lot of similarities, but the scope and depth of freezing different. After all, the outdoor swimming pool and mountain landscape of the new buildings and the sea itself, do not hesitate to swing you massive waves at the shore - all this seems to be some kind of otherworldly, heavenly, top, life.If, in general, similar to our external life moments. And the more "low start" in terms of the cultural and technical aspects. I repeat: residential complexes then take place around two suburban area, but it is placed as apartments that are not counted in the district. Here it is, nous local builders, the builders meet here among our compatriots, by the way. But do not throw up in the Moscow price per square meter (built to house stood empty a decade as the Armory Lane 17/21 psevdomodernovy house, built in the nineties, for example), but simply to build more, slim. There is also the know-how - minipark with models of attractions located here and throughout Turkey. The idea is simple, as all ingenious: in the absence of right on the seafront located historical monuments, they gathered in a reduced form and opened for photography.And so inflames the appetite! It would be desirable, of course, everything is not seen in a reduced form, but the real size. A road pereydёsh - the beach. Very similar to our Crimea, to be honest. And Sochi - as pebbles, plus suspension of coastal water. However, the taste of the Mediterranean and Black seas can not be confused anywhere: our inferior in salinity. Dmitry Black. July 2010.
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