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Construction of a residential complex on the bank
Object ID: 158
  • Price from:SOLD 850 000
  • Deal type: Sale
  • City:Marmaris
  • Property type:Ground
  • Square: 2 570 m2
  • Distance to the sea:100 m
  • Distance to the beach: 0 m
  • Distance to center:0 m
  • Distance to shop:0 m

OFFER: equity participation in the construction of the villas "Lux", followed by the surrender of their lease. Investment in the construction of villas on the final stretch.

LOCATION: A popular tourist area of ​​Turkey Gokova, on the Aegean Sea in a garden with mandarin and olive trees, the site is surrounded by a pine forest. Gokova - a national reserve of Turkey is very popular among European tourists, our compatriots are just beginning to discover this wonderful place with its unspoilt beaches and pristine nature. The proposed site - the only one in this region, which has a building permit, all other ground here - it's green areas, citrus and olive groves, pine forests and the like, which prohibited any construction.Not far from the site there are only numerically small ancient dwellings. Location is ideal for building a boutique hotel (our company has a separate project with settlements) or for a small complex of private villas.

The center of Gokova - 7 km.

Distance to Marmaris - 35 km.

Distance from Dalaman International Airport - 50 km.

The plot has an open view of the sea. Distance to the beach - 100 meters.

Total land area - 2 570m2.

The permit for the construction of: 20/40% = 1 028m2.

According to the existing construction permits at the site it is possible to build 8 houses with a total area of ​​- 163,5m2 and residential area of ​​- 128,5m2.

The present market value of the plot is 850 000 euros.

The owner of the site is the company Excluzival Group.

Construction costs at the rate of 450 euro \ m2 (including the costs of landscaping and landscaping) will be around 588,600 euros.

Costs for the construction of the villas private pools - about 20 000 euros x 8 = 160 000 euros.

The cost of household equipment villas tehnikoy- about 10 000 euros x 8 = 80 000 euros.

Thus the total cost of the project = 828,600 euros.

Implementation period - 8 months.

At the end of the construction the investor becomes the full owner of 4 of 8 villas.

REVENUE: Estimated revenue from renting a guaranteed rent will be about 2 000 to 2 500 euros per week. Revenue in the summer season (May to October), with each villa can amount - 60,000 euros. Total revenue in the season can be 240 000 euros. Thus, the full return on investment possible in a 4-year term.

When selling a square meter of housing in the area, according to realtors, is estimated to be 1,800 - 2,500 euros. Thus, the selling price of each villa can make - from 295 000 euros.


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