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    Since 70-ies of XX century in Kusadasi actively build hotels and develop mass tourism. Today, Kusadasi is an attractive from a tourist point of view center with luxury hotel complexes on the beach, a large international marina, a huge number of historic attractions including the House Sv.Devy Mary, where she lived the last years of his life; the ancient city of Ephesus; world-famous town of Sirince with a thriving and currently wine production, as well as many others. Read the full article ...

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Since 70-ies of XX century in Kusadasi actively build hotels and develop mass tourism. Today, Kusadasi is an attractive from a tourist point of view center with luxury hotel complexes on the beach, a large international marina, a huge number of historic attractions including the House Sv.Devy Mary, where she lived the last years of his life; the ancient city of Ephesus; world-famous town of Sirince with a thriving and currently wine production, as well as many others. Read the full article ...

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