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Investitsionnыy memorandum. Antalya, Turkey.

Facts and Figures:

  1. Antalya-fourth of the city development and the size of Turkey with a population of 2200 thousand. People.
  2. Antalya receives over 50% of tourists visiting Turkey.
  3. Antalya, the third city in the world in the number of foreign tourists visited, after Paris and London.
  4. Antalya receives about 14 million tourists a year, which is significantly greater than Rome, Moscow, Istanbul and Singapore combined.
  5. In 2016 will be held in Antalya World Fair "EXPO-2016", which will attract further 8 million. Additional tourists.
  6. Investments for the fair amount to more than 3 billion. Dollars.
  7. 100 million Turkish Lir- dollarov- 50 million for 2 years will be invested only in the asphalt pavements of roads.
  8. The number of hotels in Antalya is about 2000, of which about 400 - the 5-star level.
  9. Antalya Airport for several years as the best in Europe in the category of service 15-25 mln. Passengers per year.
  10. Antalya Airport serves 200 known airlines in the world.
  11. In Antalya, there are more than 20 major shopping and entertainment centers.
  12. Antalya is one of the major exporters of vegetables and season food.
  13. Antalya takes the 2nd place in Turkey in the number of vehicles per capita.
  14. In Antalya, almost all the world's major automotive brands have official representation and infrastructure service centers.
  15. In Antalya three seasons-spring, a seasonal summer.
  16. The infrastructure of water supply and drainage system Antalya invested $ 1 billion.
  17. In Antalya, 300 days of sunshine a year.
  18. The tourist season in Antalya airport only from Moscow landed about 200 aircraft a day.
  19. In Antalya comfortable stay as "restricted to leave patients", as developed and made available absolutely all types of medical services.
  20. Annual growth of the population of Antalya is 60 thousand. Man due to internal migration.
  21. In Antalya foreigners per year purchased more than 50 thousand. Apartments.
  22. Russian citizens bought about 6 thousand. Apartments of various sizes.
  23. In Antalya 2 registered 850 companies with foreign capital. 519 of them by the citizens of the Russian Federation, is a leader in terms of turnover. In Turkey, the number of companies with foreign capital is about 35 thousand.
  24. In 2015, scheduled to be held in Antalya, 456 exhibitions of various kinds, including 125-an international level.
  25. In 2014, in Antalya, the tourism industry invested 3.2 billion US dollars, bringing the number of beds has increased by 52 thousand. Units.
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