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Excluzival Group is an international investment and development company that includes a real estate agency, a yacht department and a travel agency.

Excluzival Group is a team of professionals working in the Turkish real estate market for many years.

Main questions

Popular Turkey citiess


Istanbul is Turkey 's largest city, located on the Black Sea coast. It is the main commercial, industrial and cultural center, as well as the main port of the country. The city is located on the shores of the amazing Bosporus Strait, dividing it into the European (main) and Asian parts, connected by bridges and metro tunnels. Istanbul is the only city in the world that connects two continents at once. By population, Istanbul is the first city in Europe.

If Ankara is the heart of Turkey, then the city of Istanbul is definitely his soul.

Istanbul is a huge number of historical sights that have remained from many different times: Christian churches, majestic mosques, palaces and cathedrals.

In addition, Istanbul is a very diverse city with a real estate plan, there is everything from mini studios of 20m2 to huge chic residences and palaces on the banks of the Bosphorus.And many modern residential complexes here are practically separate cities in a vast territory where there is absolutely everything. The spread of price categories is amazing! You can buy here a small apartment for 30 000 euros, or a huge palace for hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, the real estate of Istanbul is growing rapidly in price every year. In terms of indicators in 2016, the growth of residential property in Istanbul was 28.6%! On average, in the country this figure reached 18.8%!

Istanbul is a city where everyone will find something of their own, and in this chic city it is impossible not to fall in love!

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